About Me

Wednesday, 30 January 2008

Little Old Narcistic Me

It's official, I've tried to cover it up for years, making sure no one ever spots me gazing into puddles, mirrors and shop windows, while attempting to avoid falling into the cold and empty depths of my pathetic little ego. And I'm not alone.

According to an expert in the Guardian, I'm one of many millions of sad bastards indulging myself in writing meaningless twaddle - which, incidentially, no one reads - who is sacrificing valuable time when she could be out and about doing community service or forging valuable relationships. Who can argue when faced with the truth? What can I say in my own defence?

Now't much.

Sunday, 27 January 2008

Book Crossing

I've just spent a couple of hours registering books to give away at bookcrossing.com. Just shows what a slave I am to the virtual life. The Bolton Bookcrossers will be having their second meeting in Feb to swap and offload books at our new crossing point, which may be a pub in the town centre. Bookcrossing seems like a good idea being a way of circulating books locally, nationally and internationally, within a network of readers.

Monday, 21 January 2008


Maybe it's going back to work or because I have a dreadful cough but this blog's been abanadoned since New Year. How on earth do proper writers keep it up? Talent plus discipline, I suppose. Both of which are lacking.

We've just bought a new washing machine (the rattle of the wonky spin has now been replaced by a smooth whirl) and a new bed, which comes tomorrow. No more lumpy mattress. Yo, ho! But how will I ever mangage to rise every morning from its memory foamed comfort and make it to work on time?

Tuesday, 1 January 2008

New Year's Day

I'm no fan of Bono but the lyric from U2's 'New Year's Day' is earworming me. 'Nothing Changes on New Years Day.' I suppose what he meant was that New Year's Day isn't that much different than any other day. But it is. It does means something in terms of the way we mark time: personally and historically.

Perhaps it's the notion of New Year being a time for making a fresh start that pissed him off? Fresh starts don't work to order, they are dependent on two things, willingness to change and the right conditions. All we can do is to resolve to accept what the new year brings with grace and humility rather than starting off with unrealistic expectations? So there you go, Bono: shut uppa your face and get out of my ear.