Politics - or should I say social media's take on politics - simultaneously engages and annoys me. I have flurries where I find myself arguing about transgender issues and anti-Semitism. In terms of transgender, I have been surprised by what seems like a reactionary return to biological basics amongst feminists and some on the left. On the anti-Semitic issue, I hate what the Israeli Government are doing: shooting at unarmed Palestinian civilians, putting people in cages at borders FGS. Yet, still I see the starved faces of people looking through the mesh fences in concentration camps that haunted me as a child back in the 1960s, when I sat and watched All our Yesterdays with my grandma. How can a persecuted people not desire and cling to a homeland? The notion that Jews are at the heart of wicked conspiracies in banking, peddled by some less than subtle souls on the left is anti-Semitic. It's becoming clearer that some on the left would like to see an end to Israel and I really can't support that. Sadly, there seems to be little will for a two state solution internationally at a time when it is most needed. Trump is uber supportive of Israel, which doesn't help.
And as for Brexit...I can't even go there.