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Saturday, 21 November 2015

Balance and Justice 31/5/15

 There is a lot  more to life than politics but fairness and justice are important principles and so, regardless of political persuasion, I pray that the elected government can find compassion in its heart for the ill, the disabled, the unemployed and those on low incomes. I was heartened to read this the other week:

Council cuts: local Tories lead criticism as ‘savings’ hit vital services

 A few weeks ago, I was part of a rally through the town, which began at the park and ended in the town square. After the rally, I spoke with Julie Hilling, our ex-Labour M.P. who, just a week previously, had lost her seat. This is a great shame as Julie has been a good M.P.,  who cared about her constituents.

(This blog has had to be slightly rewritten for legal reasons. Blimey!)

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