Politics - or should I say social media's take on politics - simultaneously engages and annoys me. I have flurries where I find myself arguing about transgender issues and anti-Semitism. In terms of transgender, I have been surprised by what seems like a reactionary return to biological basics amongst feminists and some on the left. On the anti-Semitic issue, I hate what the Israeli Government are doing: shooting at unarmed Palestinian civilians, putting people in cages at borders FGS. Yet, still I see the starved faces of people looking through the mesh fences in concentration camps that haunted me as a child back in the 1960s, when I sat and watched All our Yesterdays with my grandma. How can a persecuted people not desire and cling to a homeland? The notion that Jews are at the heart of wicked conspiracies in banking, peddled by some less than subtle souls on the left is anti-Semitic. It's becoming clearer that some on the left would like to see an end to Israel and I really can't support that. Sadly, there seems to be little will for a two state solution internationally at a time when it is most needed. Trump is uber supportive of Israel, which doesn't help.
And as for Brexit...I can't even go there.
That huge whirling loud noise that passes for debate on issues of transgender, Really worry me. In over 40 years of professionally working in childcare ( hospitals, homes, nurseries, schools, home care provision....) i came across a Number of families who faced really tough decisions after the birth of a child. For "No", Mr/ Mr Shouty Person on social media..."we are not all born either male or female" But then we'd need to get into intelligent debate about gender and the fluidity of that and the why's and the wherefores of that.
I feel your pain.
Thank you. I have a lovely social media contact - an ex-student - who is supporting her child through this. The lack of humanity and the politicising of the issue is not helping individuals.
Yet debate is needed.
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