About Me

Thursday, 28 May 2020

One of the things that has kept me sane during Lockdown has been our garden. Mostly tended by my husband, we added to what was here when we moved in 20 years ago. It's not a very planned or orderly garden but it attracts wildlife: birds, bees and butterflies.  for a few years we had hedgehogs but, sadly, they moved on.
We enjoy it very much.


Valerie-Jael said...

Hi Bailey, thanks so much for visiting my blog today, was good to read your thoughts on the subject. Your garden looks wonderful, so many beautiful plants. And great that your husband looks after it! I just have a balcony with flower boxes and pots, but I'm not really a good gardener. Have a wonderful day, take care of yourself, and continue to enjoy your garden! Hugs, Valerie

Bailey Jones said...

Thank you. I have started to dip into other's blogs again. And add a little my own.

Somewhere round about said...

Your garden looks So relaxing and peaceful!