About Me

Friday, 11 June 2021

A blogger's lament

I would write but have nothing to say.

It’s been a year that’s blown my idle creativity away

Leaving only words for specific purposes.

My language has grown functional,

leaving those better equipped to shape words into spells

to grace the empty spaces in my mind.



Valerie-Jael said...

Sad words, let's hope things soon get better! Valerie

Bailey Jones said...

Thanks Valerie. It's just the way this virus has changed how I work, which had made things more difficult, when it comes to finding the inspiration to write.

Bailey Jones said...

has rather....🙄

Somewhere round about said...

And so we walk through this unknown world...

Bailey Jones said...

Yes. We can't take anything for granted. It's been quite salutary.

Bailey Jones said...

That's a bit of an oxymoran.